The doctor should be able to tell you a strength that would be ideal for the treatment of the cancer and point you to where to buy hemp oil for cancer. If by chance the doctor does not know that information then you have several options the first is a pain management clinic for those with cancer that does use hemp oil.
The pain clinic will be able to sell you the hemp oil at the right strength to help with the pain of the cancer and it will be medical quality. If that is still not an option then you can order medical grade pure hemp oil online but you need to make sure of the purity standards that are set by the company in which you are buying the product from, and then you need to work your way up on the strength. The reason that you need to work your way up on strength is to find the dosage that is going to be most helpful for you as like any other medication you don’t want to use too much. Beyond not wanting to use too much when you don’t have to you need to give your body time to adjust to the hemp oil as well.